Wednesday, October 29, 2008

early evening on the road

I've been fixated on some views from I-5, reinforced by a multitude of trips north to Portland. Usually I did not have my camera in tow, but the impact of the moments that tended to repeat themselves remain etched in my psyche; in particular, the constructions of humans and how they dominate the landscape along the I-5 corridor I traveled. I have a few more persistent sights in my mind that I plan to carry out somehow, although I'm not sure how or when...

Yesterday my package from McClain's arrived with a few more boards and the much prized and missed honing compound. Yeah! Carving time tonight, for sure!


Liz said...

your photo makes all of humanity's lights and construction and vehicles look so magical

BZ said...

Thanks, Liz for the comment! I think the magical quality was not something I was aiming for, but it was a pleasant surprise. Back in my younger days when I took a few photography classes at UofI, before the days of digital cameras. I did a series of b/w work involving light drawing using a tripod and a lighter, developed everything myself. It is fun to see similar effects in color, although here I didn't have any control over the light itself. Thanks again :-)