Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Last evening I was north again, picking up and doing paperwork for my current job. There is a beautiful pond nearby, a wetlands refuge that is the home for several birds. I have parked next to this pond (okay Cyrus says it's a lake) through the summer at times, snacking on a bit of food from a nearby strip mall before my drive back south. Last night Cy really needed some food, so we grabbed some Asian fare and parked in the empty lot to watch the birds at dusk. I turned off the motor and saw to my great delight this beautiful blue heron, just a few feet away. It stood quietly and peacefully for a good while before it had enough of me snapping photos of it. I wish I had a stronger lens, but I'm grateful to have been there at all.

This pond is very close to where I work when I drive north. As I sat there enjoying some food and enjoying the view, it felt symbolic that I witness this stunning sight at dusk this time, what with the days becoming so much shorter. It is change time. My boss and friend is interviewing 3 people today in an effort to find someone to replace me. I have mixed feelings of guilt, worry, relief and excitement. Change of a certain type is inevitable though, we all know that.

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