It gets this way sometimes. I have been busy with my job and learning a new skill for it, which is good but sometimes exhausting when I am pulled away. I saw my sister and helped her a bit with the state of her life by sorting, boxing, listing, donating. But meanwhile my hands and feet are going numb, as are my legs and arms but just a little, but the feet are hurting along with it and I'm trying not to freak out. No sense visiting the quack for the inevitable expensive shrug and scorn. It's hard to face our finiteness. And not that it helps matters but I've been watching Bill Moyer's Journal from time to time. That can be a downer but a reality check, just like driving to Portland is for me when I must maneuver through the traffic and at the gas station see hundreds of other humans like me with their vehicles sucking in the precious addiction substance called gasoline. I am really baffled by us humans. We just don't really fit with the rest of the life forms on this planet, do we.
When all else fails, knit.
So I did, and then I failed at that. Final effort I made, sock #4 trying to make a version of the "Sparrow" sock from
Noro Joy, by Jane Ellison. I used the Noro Kureyon sock. I ended up with #0 needles, although the pattern calls for #2, to get gauge. I picked up 20 instead of the 22 stitches as written along the heel. And yet, and yet the pattern still does not work. There is too much fabric along the arch of the foot. I. HATE to give up but i. give. up. I hate to give up. Sorry Cherry Blossom. Sorry.
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