Getting down to brass tacks here:
Big time fun with my friend Cherry Blossoms today. We laughed so hard at Japanese comedy that we both happened to have viewed. SO FUNNY. Tears. Tears from laughter. Like this one for example - such sadistic humor:
Cherry Blossoms helped me get through the angst of having to rip out half my personal therapy sock, one I am making from a lovely Dream In Color "Smooshy" yarn in a colorway called "Butter Peeps". Oh and it really is that color. Bought it three days before Easter, as if that matters. She held the ribbing as I ripped. Oh boo hoo. I had to buy some longer #2 dpns from Kathy at Have You Any Wool. Oh she's helpful and a half. I was using #2's already but they were Addi woods and a different mm. How's that for too much information? Anyway, Cherry Blossoms loves my new book called Food Knit:
I think she would have loved it more if she could have seen it via pages in her hands instead of photos I took and stuck onto my iPod. My friend Naomi borrowed the book - she says knitted food is so Japanese! On that fish platter, even the sauce is a knitted fine lace, although in the picture it looks like, well... sauce.
Pancake, my all-white Polish hen, has moulted a TON over the past few weeks and lost a bunch of feathers from her head among other places. Unfortunately for her, her flock-mates have perhaps mistaken the specks on her head as edible and she now has a crown consisting of a regular pattern of scabs. Poor girl. Shhh. I have her behind bars here in my room for the night to help her have a better day. It's the mornings before I let them outside that I think she is sustaining the damage, although I cannot be sure.
I have some pictures to share. I'll get them up here in the next day or two. No major creative endeavor to oblige myself to or to promote with this blog, and that is refreshing. This blog is for YOU. For ME. Just a little view.
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